Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Copyright Office Forms


This weekend I gave a presentation at the Synergy Club of Georgia on Protecting Business Intellectual Property Assets. The Synergy Club is an organization that provides much needed resources to women business owners. During the presentation I discussed the four main intellectual property assets a business can own: copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets.

The members of the club had great questions. I particularly received many questions regarding copyright registrations. One member asked a very good question concerning what is the appropriate copyright registration form to file for a sound recording. The copyright office has several paper forms for different types of works. They are as follows:

Form TX for literary works
Form VA for visual art works
Form PA for performing arts works (motion pictures, plays, dance performances, etc.)
Form SR for sound recordings, and
Form SE for single serials (periodicals, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, annuals, journals)

However, if a copyright registrant files their copyright application online using the Copyright's office eCO system using Form CO, a registrant can simply select any of the above categories as an option without filing separate and distinct applications.

Another advantage to filing the Form CO online is that the cost to file is $35 as opposed to $45 for paper applications.

As you can see, there are some advantages to using new technology...it is cheaper and more efficient!

I hope this information was helpful. I welcome your thoughts!

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