Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Amazing News! Blogher 2010!


I hope your life is absolutely wonderful!

I have some AMAZING news to share! I was invited to speak at the 2010 Blogher Conference in New York, August 6-7. Yeah!

I will speak on a panel entitled "Mastering Intellectual Property Law." Specifically, I will discuss intellectual property law, registering and protecting a trademark, copyright infringement, defamation, libel and slander.

This blog has afforded me amazing speaking and writing opportunities. It has been very good to me. I have found that individuals are really interested and have a thirst for information on how to protect their intellectual property in Social Media platforms.

When I started this blog in 2008, I thought to myself it would be great if I could share this information with bloggers on a larger platform. Now I have that opportunity!

I just want to say thank you to everyone who has read this blog, commented and supported it. It has been a tremendous blessing to me and I hope to you as well.


Ananda said...

Congratulations. See you in NYC.

Jen said...

That IS amazing news! Congrats to you. Wish I could be there.

Phillips Givens, LLC said...

@Ananda Thanks so much!

@Jen Thanks so much. Wish you could attend as well!

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